Each sectional control panel that is used for extinguishing control in the network requires a license. The Extinguishing Control Panel Series LC216 can only be operated on a central processing board ZTB216-2 with at least hardware version V4 as well as on a loop gateway board BCB216-3LG with at least hardware version V3. The type of the board is printed on a label. The version number is the last digit of the PCB version, that is printed in the left bottom corner of the PCB (e.g., PN5233S4 for V4). Furthermore, a firmware version PL149 Vx.20 or newer and a PARSOFT version V1.20 or newer are required for the operation and the setup of the extinguishing control panel, respectively
Extinguishing-Control 8-Area-Licence LC216-8LB – 218024
The license for extinguishing control panel is required for the administration of up to 8 flooding zones at the Fire Detection Control Panel Series BC216. This license allows you to manage up to 8 flooding zones on one control panel or sectional control panel. Setup of the required parameters is accomplished using PARSOFT. The functions are specifically adapted to the requirements of EN 12094-1. If the system size or country-specific regulations require redundant operation of the extinguishing control panels, additional licenses are required for the redundant control panels