Remote Indicator۷۰۰ FI۷۰۰PA – ۲۵۱۰۱۰

Remote Indicator۷۰۰ FI۷۰۰PA – ۲۵۱۰۱۰

The Remote Indicator FI۷۰۰/PA is integrated into an ADM loop with Labor Strauss/۷۰۰ protocol and al- lows the fire detection control panel to control the remote indication. As the activation can be freely para- meterised in the control panel, the remote indicator can indicate the activation of any combination of detec- tors. With that, a common display can be implemented with simple means. The integrated dual-isolator dis- connects the loop at short circuit on the loop line

High-power LED

Module address can be set in the range ۱ to ۲۴۰ by means of Programming Unit FI۷۵۰/PU Optional AUTO-addressing when combined with a compatible fire detection control panel Plastic case with red cap

Surface mounting or flush mounting on ۵۵/۶۰mm installation bo